Details about the FULL FORMAT PAPER
- The full format paper should be written in English ALONE; it should be translated and/or proofread by a good translator of English (preferably, a native speaker of English or a
very good teacher of English) before being proofread by a professional proof-reader. If the paper does not meet the proper English language standards, it will be rejected by the Advisory
Board of the ASA Series.
- The full format paper should be typewritten according to the Template of the ASA Series 2013. The Template is available on this site (please use the Template when
typewriting your paper); it is crucial that you send us your paper in this format.
- The full format paper should be written in Times New Roman, font 10, single-spaced, justified; it should NOT contain PHOTOGRAPHS (just tables and figures).
- The paper should be minimum 6 pages and maximum 12 pages, including the References. It is IMPORTANT that the number of pages be EVEN: 6 pages, 8
pages, 10 pages or 12 pages. The paper can also include Acknowledgements right before the References. BUT please, do not exceed the maximum number of Template
pages - 12.
- The full format paper should be structured as follows: Introduction, Methods and Techniques, Discussion and Results, Conclusions and Suggestions/Recommendations, References.
- Please cite the authors in the text as follows: (Author, Year of appearance of the reference, page). Example: (Goian 2013, 26). Note: the References should include all
the authors cited in the paper and in the paper you should cite all the authors mentioned under References!!!