The Abstract should be written in English and contain the following:
- Title of the paper: Times New Roman; font 16; capitals; centred
- Name of author/co-author(s): Times New Roman; font 16; capitals; centred.
- Data on author/co-author(s): Times New Roman; font 10, single-spaced:
Academic degree;
Mobile number;
E-mail address (the most visited one);
Domain (1-12) for the Abstract/Paper to be included in. For example, 12. INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION or 4. SOCIAL THEOLOGY.
- Abstract body
Font 10, Times New Roman, single-spaced;
200-400 words;
Content of the Abstract: description of the topic; goal of the paper; research methods; results (1-2 main ideas); conclusions and/or recommendations (1-2).
- Keywords: 3-5
THE TITLE OF THE E-MAIL CONTAINING THE ABSTRACT should contain the following information:
- The number of the domain of the paper;
- Surname and Name of the first author of the paper. For example, 12. GOIAN Cosmin, or 4. CONSTANTINEANU Corneliu
Please, send, by MAY 1, 2013, the ABSTRACT in English of your paper to the following e-mail address: asa@uvt.ro